Matthew at Large


People We Meet

Folk Art Park, Atlanta

Thoughts and appreciation for strangers who leave an impression on me, no matter how fleeting.


A poem and photo gallery

Raindrops falling

Happy endings are a delusion…

The Disconnect

An essay

A tent on a sidewalk

When we need it most, may God grant us the grace to bridge the disconnect.

The Wanderer

A poem

I&39;m here. Where are you?

I search the streets in darkness for my friend
The one who met me in a dream

The Drifter

An essay

A small fish

I guess there's life here after all.


An essay

A spider beneath a glass jar

There have been many times when I too felt trapped … it is happening to me now.


An essay

Hands touching

Our union is sacred. Our connection is holy. He prefers silence, as do I.